Kodo millet, is an annual grain that is grown in primarily in India, but also in the Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand,and in West Africa where it originates.
Nutritional Value
Kodo millet has around 11% protein, and the nutritional value of the protein has been found to be slightly better than that of fox tail millet but comparable to that of other small millets. As with other food grains, the nutritive value of Kodo millet protein could be improved by supplementation with legume protein.
Health Benefits
Millet provides a host of nutrients, has a sweet nutty flavor, and is considered to be one of the most digestible and non-allergenic grains available. It is one of the few grains that is alkalizing to the body. It contains high protein content (15 percent) makes is a substantial addition to a vegetarian diet. Also it contains Magnesium in millet can help reduce the effects of migraines and heart attacks.
Nutritional facts
In 1 cup cooked
· Calories 207Kcal
· Total Fat 15g
· Potassium 0mg
· Total Carbohydrate 169mg
· Cholesterol 0mg
· Sodium 0mg
· Potassium 0mg
· Protein 24g
Kodo Millet is grown in India as an important crop,while Paspalum scrobiculatum var commersonii is the wild variety indigenous to Africa. The kodo millet,also known as cow grass, rice grass, ditch millet, Native Paspalum, or Indian Crown Grass originates in tropical Africa, and it is estimated to have been domesticated in India 3000 years ago. The domestication process is stillon going. In southern India, it is called kodo or kodra, and it is grown as an annual.