Organic, unheated, Himalayan Honey originates in isolated valleys high in the Himalayan Mountains near the source of the Ganges River. Most of this pristine region, famous for its wild-crafted health-promoting plants and flowers, is well beyond the reach of automobiles or pollutants of any kind.
Nutritional Value
Honey is a mixture of sugars and other compounds.With respect to carbohydrates, honey is mainly fructose(about 38.5%) and glucose (about 31.0%), making it similar to the synthetically produced inverted sugar syrup,which is approximately 48% fructose, 47% glucose, and 5% sucrose.Honey's remaining carbohydrates include maltose,sucrose, and other complex carbohydrates.
Health Benefits
According to the USDA, honey contains about 64 calories per tablespoon. Therefore, honey is used by many people as a source of energy. On the other hand, one tablespoon of sugar will give you about 15 calories.
Nutritional facts
In 100g
· Calories 304kcal
· Calories from Fat 0g
· Cholesterol 0mg
· Sodium 4mg
· Protein 0.3mg
· Total Carbohydrate 82g
· Iron 2%
Honey has been used by countless cultures all around the world over the past 2,500 years. While the numerous health benefits of honey have made it an important element of traditional medicines such as Ayurveda treatments, scientists are also researching the benefits of honey in relation to modern medicine, particularly in the healing of wounds.